Hydrogen Health Shower Filter


Combining the discoveries by world-leading water science, our filter incorporates the infusion of alkalising and trace minerals and the magnetic structuring of water, ultimately producing water which naturally restores the body.


Combining the discoveries by world-leading water science, the Hydrogen Health Shower Filter incorporates the infusion of alkalising and trace minerals and the magnetic structuring of water, ultimately producing water which naturally restores the body.


A daily shower containing common impurities is absorbed over our largest organ, our skin. A common impurity added to the water supply is chlorine, which is a powerful oxidant (loss of energy to the cell).

Chlorine causes skin irritation and dryness plus breathing chlorine within the shower steam allows this to be absorbed within the entire body.

This filter is specifically designed to remove chlorine within the shower water, plus heavy metals and other impurities, to deliver a healthy showering experience.


Re-Mineralising & Structuring

Combining the discoveries by world-leading water science, our filter incorporates the infusion of alkalising and trace minerals and the magnetic structuring of water, ultimately producing water which naturally restores the body.


Antioxidant Boost

Oxidative damage is a main cause for ageing and overall cellular damage. Vitamin C is a powerful water soluble antioxidant which can significantly rebalance and rehydrate the skin via maintaining cellular balance. This is infused into the water with every shower creating a passive restoration to the body, everyday.

To read more head to the Hydrogen Health Website.


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